The 4 technologies
The Swissmetro vehicle will run in unidirectional, small diameter tunnels situated, where the lie of the land allows, at a depth of approximately fifty metres. These tunnels will form a network which could link the centres of the main Swiss and European cities, and, why not, those of the other continents. In order to attain high speeds in complete safety, the Swissmetro vehicle will travel in magnetic levitation, without any contact with the ground, powered by linear electric motors. These technologies will also minimise strain on the different structures, noise level and energy and maintenance costs.
Finally, to limit tunnel diameter and ensure considerable energy saving, the quantity of air in the tunnels will be reduced to prressures similar to atmospheric conditions at an altitude of 15'000 metres. The partial air vacuum will be maintained by vacuum pumps, situated every 15 kilometres in the tunnels.
Swissmetro is therefore based on the following 4 technologies:
- entirely underground infrastructures;
- partial air vacuum in tunnels;
- propulsion by linear electric motors;
- magnetic guiding and levitation.
The Swissmetro vehicle, pressurised, will be similar to the body of an aircraft and able to transport 400 seated passengers in comfort. At stations, the automatic doors and airlocks will allow efficient and riskfree passenger transit. The stations comprise an upper level (reception and check-in area) and a lower level (boarding and disembarkation area) liked by large-capacity lifts.

The underground station